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Before filling out the request form, please take a moment to read about the terms of service here.


Please include these details in your submission order:


★Name: (aliases/otherwise)

★PayPal email:

★Order Type: (i.e. Coloured Half-Body of character, who is holding a Japanese paper fan, surrounded by flowers)


★Social Media: (optional)

★ Full Address: *applicable only for physical commissions*

(Block/Unit No > Street Name > Postcode > State, Country. No P.O. boxes please



              For OCs Character design sheets, prior illustrations done for them, moodboards, word documents containing a comprehensive write-up of their physical traits, personality and notable features. Any details such as accessories, markings and patterns must be clearly visible.


              For Fanart Character design references from various angles (via Google images, Pinterest, etc) and a short description of their personality. Any details such as accessories, markings and patterns must be clearly visible.


★Special Instructions:


*Please compile your references in ONE place, linked to gdrive/dropbox/cloud storage and ensure it is set to ‘Share’





Twitter: @thecinnaminion

Business email:


My working hours are Monday to Friday 10am - 6pm Malaysian time (GMT+8). Please allow for 2-3 working days for a reply. Thank you.


Thumbnail ➝ Sketch ➝ Client Approval/Revision #1 ➝Clean Up/Lineart ➝ Colouring ➝ Final Artwork ➝ Deliverables

1. Once your request has been reviewed, you will receive an email to notify you whether it has been accepted or not. Sometimes, reviews may not be accepted for the following reasons:


  • it includes subjects listed in the Won’t Draw category

  • technical difficulties (link to reference folder is broken or inaccessible)

  • the commission quota has been filled, in which case you will be offered a spot on the waitlist


2. A Paypal invoice will be sent after the consultation is complete and prices are set. You will also receive a link in which you will be able to track the progress of your commission. Please note that I will only begin working on it once partial/full payment has been made, depending on what was agreed upon in the initial consultation. For more information on that, please head to the Payment section of this site.


3. A sketch of your commission will be sent to you for approval. Any changes, ramifications and/or modifications can be done during this stage, and is limited to TWO (2) revisions only. Changes made after the Lineart Stage or exceeding the allocated number of revisions will incur extra charges.


4. Once approved, I will proceed to colour it. The final artwork will then be sent to you for approval, where you will be allowed to make ONE (1) minor edit. Please note that extreme changes (i.e. pose/angle/details) will be subjected to additional charges.


5. The final artwork will be sent to you in high-res .pdf and .jpeg files as well as a watermarked .png file for you to post on social media.

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Tumblr

All artworks on this site belong to the-cinnaminion

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